Sorry. What did you say?

It’s blog time and WOW, January’s gone and February is here!

Like so many, I set goals for this year and after just 5 weeks I am already a little behind. I hear my inner voice shout out to me LISTEN.

I think I am listening, until I give myself some space and realise I am not.

What is my inner voice trying to tell me?

There is an art to listening. You know that type of listening which is fed by an intent to simply be open and listen free of prejudice, judgement and expectation. This type of listening requires us to draw on all of our senses to experience the greatest understanding.

When I listen in this way, something magical happens: people begin to shine, be more open, feel safe and valued and I have a better understanding of what is being expressed.

The issue is it’s not always easy to listen in this way,


Being human means we are hard wired to detect danger. When we face life’s challenges or opportunities our brain tends to rationalise as it attempts to avoid any possible embarrassments, failures or discomforts. It would rather stay the same than take the risk of moving into the unknown. Sometimes we are just too busy protecting ourselves from the perceived dangers to truly listen.

Our brain takes in enormous amounts of information every second through all our combined senses. To stop our brains exploding from information overload it filters this information by editing, deleting, distorting, and censoring so we can make sense of the reduced information that gets through.

Dr. Joseph Dispenza says we take in 400 Billion bits of information a second. BUT, we are ONLY aware of 2,000 of those!” –

Relying on just brain thinking ignores much of our other intelligence.

The latest thinking from scientists tells us we have 3 brains, each consisting of complex neural networks that display their own form of intelligence. The head, heart and gut brains each have different ways of processing our experiences. (check out )

Simply put, your head brain thinks with logic, evaluating using both quantitative and qualitative criteria. It analyses and reasons, whereas your heart brain engages through feelings and considers problems based on our emotions. It is passionate, irrational and strong in its opinion. The gut brain is courageous and intuitive, it doesn’t change its view very often and gives little explanation as to why it has that particular view.

Can you imagine how difficult it can be to truly listen to our inner voice when we have so much going on?

It takes a little practice, a little time, a little allowing and a lot of willingness.

I hear my inner voice when I truly listen – when I am willing to take a moment, pause and allow the massages to arrive at their own pace.

After truly listening, I heard what my inner voice was saying “ to many expectations, to much doing and not enough enjoying”